
lat and neck pain

The Lat: It’s the Glute of the Shoulder

Blog Talk – Episode 10 The Lat (Latissimus Dorsi) is one of the most important muscles in our body. It’s part of our core system and when it is weak we can can end up with chronic neck pain, shoulder dysfunction, lateral epicondylitis and even back pain. This is a huge muscle that requires some…

pain in lafayette co

Move out of Pain!

Healing the body from pain and injury is a process. It takes time, dedication and healthy movement patterns. Yep, it’s that simple. Unfortunately, we continue to live in an era of passive, silly treatments to attempt immediate pain relief. Although these treatments may ease the pain temporarily, they are not actually healing your pain. So,…

PT in Lafayette, CO

Figure 4 Stretch: It’s Not That Awesome

Figure 4 Stretch. Blog Talk. Episode 5. Got hip pain? How many times have you been told to do the figure 4 stretch for your glutes or for hip pain? After cycling class? In yoga? Although this stretch is widely used as one of the best hip openers on the planet, it’s not. This stretch…

Blog Talk- HS

Blog Talk – Hamstring Strains (Episode 4)

Hamstring Strains. Blog Talk. Episode 4 Hamstring strains are one of the most stubborn injuries to heal. But the good news is that they CAN heal. However, it doesn’t involve a lot of stretching or resting. It takes active recovery, some dedication and time to truly heal these bothersome strains. Episode 4 is our first…

PT in Lafayette, CO

Hamstring Strains: For the Love…Don’t Stretch!

Hamstring strains are one of the most annoying injuries to heal and rehab. If you’ve ever had one or are currently dealing with one, I know your nodding your head “yes.” It hurts to sit, walk, run, bend over, climb stairs and squat. It’s an injury that feels like it will never go away. But,…

Dead Lift- Blog Talk (1)

Blog Talk – Do You Deadlift? (Episode 3)

The Deadlift. Blog Talk. Episode 3 The deadlift is a common fitness exercise but often performed incorrectly. Did you know that the core and GLUTES drive the deadlift? Right…not the hamstring or back. Unfortunately, most people don’t now this until they get injured. I recently just witnessed a fitness class of 40+ people rounding their…

Disc Herniation - Blog

Back Pain: Disc Herniations

Slip a disc? Back “go out”? Unfortunately, back pain is very common and ~60-80% of us will deal with it at some point.  Disc Herniations are one of the most common causes of back pain. Why? Because our body mechanics, core stability, posture and overall movement patterns are not what they used to be. We…

Piriformis Syndrome- Blog Talk

Blog Talk – Piriformis Syndrome (Episode 2)

Piriformis Syndrome. Blog Talk. Episode 2 If you don’t do anything else except read this ONE SENTENCE: Throw away that tennis ball and stop stretching! Episode 2 is dedicated to another popular Blog Post: Piriformis Syndrome: It’s Not About the Tennis Ball . It gives visual life and explanation to the original blog post and reviews…

Hip Labral- Blog Talk

Blog Talk – Hip Labral Tears (Episode 1)

Blog Talk. Hip Labal Tear. Episode 1. Think you have a hip labral tear? Have you been told that the only option is surgery? Well, that is not true for most people. It has become a popular surgery in the past decade, but is it only because we now have imaging to see them? This…

Atrophy - Blog

Unexplained Body Pain: Muscle Atrophy and Fascia

The X-ray is normal. The MRI is negative. Every doctor visit leads you to more confusion and less answers as they say: “I’m not sure why you’re in pain.” So, they move you along. Not because they don’t care, but likely because they may not know. If the diagnostic tests, medical screens, blood work-up and…

Breathing- Blog

Breathing: Belly Breathing Does Not Exist

Breathing is one of the most natural things we are designed to do. Yet, we complicate it. We should breathe in, breathe out. Simple. But are you really using the primary breathing muscle? What is the quality of your breath? Is it deep? Shallow? Low? High? There is a lot of poor information circulating in regards…

Posture- Blog

Posture: It Takes The Core!

One of the strangest gimmicks I’ve ever been introduced to in my professional career was in 2010. I was working in Boulder, CO and a salesperson brought in a “posture shirt” for us to try on. The idea was that it might be something useful for our patients. Oh man, was this shirt uncomfortable. It…