Happy. Healthy. Movement.

Educating and Empowering Active Individuals and Athletes to Experience & Restore Healthy Movement, Using Hands-On Healing & Effective Exercise.

We are a patient-based Physical Therapy clinic dedicated to treating the cause of pain for lifelong health & wellness.


Happy. Healthy. Movement.

Educating and Empowering Active Individuals and Athletes to Experience & Restore Healthy Movement, Using Hand-On Healing & Effective Exercise.

We are a patient-based Physical Therapy clinic dedicated to treating the cause of pain for lifelong health & wellness.


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Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy is one of the most powerful therapeutic interventions for lifelong healing.

Physical Therapy is a conservative, educational and individualized approach that teaches you how to have healthy movement patterns in your body. Without healthy patterns, our body is susceptible to injury, pain, dysfunction and early aging. 

  • One-On-One Evaluation & Treatment with the PT
  • Movement Assessment: SFMA & Functional Tests
  • Manual Therapy: Soft Tissue  & Joint Mobilization
  • Mulligan: Mobilization with Movement
  • Pilates-Based Rehabilitation
  • Run & Gait Analysis
  • Sports-Specific Rehab

Get the best physical therapy Lafayette, CO has to offer - click the button below to learn more.


Run & Gait Analysis

Our philosophy is simple. If you don’t know how to move from the core, you really don’t know how to move

Our bodies were designed for movement...movement from the core. Most run and gait is taught from the foot to hip and it's a confusing way for the body to learn.

All movement initiates from the core, including run and gait. It's imperative to optimize this component first before changing shoes, ground strike, cadence or stride length.


When healing pain, Pilates is one of the most effective forms of movement.

Pilates teaches the body how to move in a logical, holistic and synergistic manner. The movements are non-impact, calming and challenging! And, it feels good to everyone at any age.

  • Pilates-Based PT
  • Core Control
  • Dissociation of Movement
  • Trunk Stability for Efficient Mobility
  • Mat, Reformer and Tower Exercises
  • Videos for Practice at Home
lat and neck pain

The Lat: It’s the Glute of the Shoulder

Blog Talk – Episode 10 The Lat (Latissimus Dorsi) is one of the most important muscles in our body. It’s part of our core system and when it is weak we can can end up with chronic neck pain, shoulder dysfunction, lateral epicondylitis and even back pain. This is a huge muscle that requires some…

pain in lafayette co

Move out of Pain!

Healing the body from pain and injury is a process. It takes time, dedication and healthy movement patterns. Yep, it’s that simple. Unfortunately, we continue to live in an era of passive, silly treatments to attempt immediate pain relief. Although these treatments may ease the pain temporarily, they are not actually healing your pain. So,…

PT in Lafayette, CO

Figure 4 Stretch: It’s Not That Awesome

Figure 4 Stretch. Blog Talk. Episode 5. Got hip pain? How many times have you been told to do the figure 4 stretch for your glutes or for hip pain? After cycling class? In yoga? Although this stretch is widely used as one of the best hip openers on the planet, it’s not. This stretch…